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Comdirect bank is not made for international young professionals!!!!

9 Beiträge

We moved from USA to Germany about 2 years ago, and worked here on temporary job assignment in the international US company. Due to the limited time, I do not have much time to learn German, and a few days ago, I got attached with phishing attacks. A few minutes after I realized that this is a fraud link, I called the customer service and tried to explain my situation with my limited German. The lady was very rude, and tell me either I need to speak German to her or I need to write an email. Even though she probably understand English to certain extend and understand that my situation is quite urgent, she still just hang up the phone. I called a few times after and no further help was provided. So I wrote an email per her question on the same day of the phishing attacks, but no response so far, and this has been 2 days. 


Today I noticed the fraud transaction went through, and I lost over 2000euro. 


I have no confidence to Comdirect that I will ever get my money back, and I am switching bank account to other bank which provide English service support. 


This is very frustrated and extremely disappointed after 2 years of customers. 



9 Beiträge

If anyone from comdirect customer service can contact me, and see what comdirect can do as the next step for this phishing attack transaction, that would be appreciated. 

Experte ★★
332 Beiträge

First of all I hope this Issue will be resolved as soon as possible and that someone who speaks english will contact you. 


But maybe for the next time: I mean, english is a world language for sure, but you can´t expect that EVERYONE can speak english.

Don´t you have someone who speaks german, a Hotel employee, the host where you live, a friend or working colleague and can make a phone call in such cases? 

Mentor ★★★
2.784 Beiträge

The problem is, there are only some rare banks in Germany that are offering their services in English. Most of the banks here only offer German service due to legal/liability reasons. Comdirect is one of them.

Mentor ★★★
3.151 Beiträge

Comdirect is a branchless bank.
Contact is made exclusively by telephone or by contact form.
In order to act in a legally correct and unambiguous manner, the only business language is German.



For someone experiencing a phishing attack, you don’t really have someone speaking German right next to you at the moment. Since it was quite urgent, calling the bank and try to stop the transaction was the top priority at the time. But agree with you, however as Germany is quite backward compatible when it comes to customer service. The lady could help transfer me to someone who might be able to help for urgent situation. 

9 Beiträge

Actually, there are quite a bit German bank offer English customer service after I research a bit online. Germany has quite a lot of big companies that only require English as working language. Apparently Comdirect is not up for growing with the international communities. I will definitely not recommend Comdirect as a bank for any of my non-German friends. 

85 Beiträge

Did you deactivte all cards / change PW already?

If  transaction took place via creditcard, object to transaction in the creditcard account.


When you sent the email did you use the "contact form" or an email provider? 

If not done, re-send email using the contact form and refer to the email you already sent.


If needed, just translate full webpage via  googletranslate




Hi, thanks so much for helping. Yeah I used the contact form after logging in my account and already sent two times, without hearing back yet… The transaction took place through credit card and already deactivated but the transaction still went through. 

I really hope this can get resolved soon. Not sure where I can escalate, and thought about calling the police, but not sure if police in Germany would help with this type of situation… 

85 Beiträge


Definitely object to the credit card booking by just hitting the respective "object" button of this transactions and  answer you did not approve.

You may be required to complete a form subsequently to get re-imbursement but depending on how phising went the provider may not consent.

Therefore you should nonetheless press charges against unknown at any police station. That will help in case there is a chance for compensation.


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