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am 06.07.2022 12:24
I wanted to check on online bank some of the transactions from January, February 2019.
When I go to "Umsätze" and set the period, I do not get any transactions. However, I'm 100% sure that there should be transactions.
I have this account since August 2018 and it is my only account.
I have made some Transfers during that period using Wise (TransferWise).
I can see on Wise history there are transfers from January and February.
But can't see anything on Comdirect.
Is there any other way to get all the transactions?
What's the reason I can't see it?
Gelöst! Gzum hilfreichen Beitrag.
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am 06.07.2022 12:33
Hi @Temur ,
if you are refering to money transfers, please note that those movements are available only 180 days as Transaction History.
In case you want to refer back to earlier movements, you have to retrieve those via the monthly Finanzreports that are available in the Archive for up to 10 years.
Hope it helps - best regards
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am 06.07.2022 13:06
Could you please help me navigate how to access that archive? What is the steps to do it via online bank?
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am 06.07.2022 13:39
Go to "PostBox"
Click "Archiv"
Within the DropDown of "Zeitraum" select the period (year, month...) you are interested
Within the DropDown of "Typ" select "Finanzreport"
Then click "Suchen"
This will list you the monthly reports - there you will find all movements of all accounts within the respective month....
Good luck 🍀