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Dear Gluecksdrache,

you believe there is "inappropriate tonality" or "agressivity" for just making a political reading of your position that makes the bank customer even weaker than what already it is. By the way, you should be aware that many of the Western/American societies have strong Consumer Protection Agencies, Ombudsman, and the like. I have just been told that in Germany when a customer suffers BANK ABUSE (and this is the case with Comdirect) there are several things that can be done against the financial institution abusing their rights, including HABEAS DATA legal actions.


I repeat something very important: Comdirect is making ABUSE OF DOMINANT POSITION. They can be sued for that.


As @Billy1234, I also live outside Germany and when opening the Comdirect accounts in 2015, I was told that Comdirect welcomes international customers. Past year, I opened the Depot account. I did everything for a long term strategy. Now Comdirect is not respecting their word.



PLease note that Comdirect has been offered for several years as a German bank welcoming customers from many countries including Argentina:




Dear @ma_argentina,


thank you for your contribution. Please accept my sincere apologies that I will be out of this discussion after my post.


Sorry to say that your statements are simply incorrect. Additionally I have the impression that you would like to vent a bit. That is ok if this won't be ongoing.


You mix up two completely different topics:


1.) One is the right of the customer to get a base current account ("Basiskonto") opened and being fully functional. This is valid if you have a residencey in Germany and can provide the needed documents.


The thread opener stated that he nowadays lives in Hong Kong and formerly has studied in Germany.


Therefore it is waste of personal time and ressource of public servants to make an issue out of that. The obligation to enter a contract can't be cited in this case.


2.) If (and we are) within the framework of the voluntary agreements now the bank and the customer can freely chosse with whom to work. There is no obligation for you to go to the rural savings bank and the rural savings bank (or comdirect) has not the obligation to open a safe custody account.


Additionally starting with the initiative of Peer Steinbrück and similar politicians the former flat rate withholding tax has been changed to a kind of source tax.


Where formerly only the sum and this zip code digits were transfered to the tax authorities now the full valid tax ID is needed during the transfer.


This change has been substantiated by massive defraudation of taxes by several individuals (outside the comdirect world). If you have a look on all of these **piep**-**piep** and **piep**-ex transactions you get a clearer picture.


The whole banking and financial industry has seen a tightening of thumbscrews and a change of the climate of the society.


That said I can understand why a broker avoids too much complexity for the low number of customers living outside the continent.


Swiss banks have done this with thousands of US customers.


So the only one to blame are two different groups:

1.) The tax evaders establishing the need for a robust tax mandate.

2.) Some politicians which in consequence were able to fulfill the dream of a complete oversight of any transaction.


Sorry that I can't help you out with this issue.


Nevertheless and directly communicated to @SMT_Erik there has to be established a sound work flow for all cases where PostIdent doesn't work. But reserved for people of all nationalities with any legal residence in Germany.


Best regards





4.665 Beiträge

Gib Dir doch nicht so eine Mühe, es geht doch nur noch ums Prinzip oder des Kaisers Bart.


Da kannst Du genauso gut einer Kuh ins Horn petzen, dann hast Du das selbe Ergebnis. 

Autor ★★
11 Beiträge



thx for ur contribution. 


I just check my account was opened since 2014 with my Hong Kong passport and all the comdirect documents were post to my friend’s home in Germany.  I only live in Germany from 2015 to 2017 for 6 months each years for study. I have no residency when I opened the account. But that accepted..... that’s why I am so confused now .. that account is so useful for me even I am not study... cuz I travel EU so often. 

3.624 Beiträge

@Billy1234  schrieb:



thx for ur contribution. 


I just check my account was opened since 2014 with my Hong Kong passport and all the comdirect documents were post to my friend’s home in Germany.  I only live in Germany from 2015 to 2017 for 6 months each years for study. I have no residency when I opened the account. But that accepted..... that’s why I am so confused now .. that account is so useful for me even I am not study... cuz I travel EU so often. 

Dear @Billy1234,


thank you for your response. Will add some ideas for sourcing information which *could* work even without having a residency in Germany. Please sure you double check anything before you next travel to Germany.


I can accept no liability whatsoever if information is outdatet or not correct on day of travel.


At first you should check if Banks in Hong Kong issue cards with magnetic stripe and chip which enable for withdrawels in Germany. Like here:



Quelle: Webseite von HSBC in Hong Kong


If you don't want to use a real credit card you may additionally apply for a savings card. In Germany they are issued with a "VISA PLus" sign on it.


If you have a German credit card already you may ask for transferring the data to your new residency.


Something like American Express does here:


Source: American Express Website


Due to the fact that comdirect has informed you well in advance there should be enough time for research and issuing the respective cards.


Only in case of emergency you should use those expensive cash transfer services.


Keeping my fingers crossed.


Best regards




Autor ★★
11 Beiträge

Thx for ur quick reply .. HSBC only use Hong Kong dollars to calculate for all the transactions on my bill. So The exchange rate is not really good for  the visa credit card. Also I have some euro saving from every of my job/working trip .  that is the reason I have a comdirect account for my all euro transactions.  

Mentor ★
1.134 Beiträge

Späte Antwort, ich hab’s aber jetzt erst gesehen …


@ehemaliger Nutzer  schrieb:

Ist mir bislang gar nicht bewusst aufgefallen, dass Colonia für Kolonie steht.

Hatte das römische Reich damals noch andere Colonias oder haben sie nur eine (die größte?) auch so genannt?

Es gab eine Reihe von coloniae, sowohl im heutigen Deutschland als auch anderswo, wobei nicht immer das Wort colonia auch im Namen enthalten war. Köln (ehemals Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium) ist m.W. der einzige Fall, wo sich der heutige Name ausschließlich aus diesem Teil entwickelt hat. Enthalten ist es auch noch im britischen Lincoln (Lindum Colonia).


Ansonsten hat sich entweder ein anderer Bestandteil durchgesetzt (z.B. Colonia Augusta Rauricorum, heute Augst), der Name ist ganz untergegangen (z.B. Colonia Ulpia Traiana, beim heutigen Xanten), oder colonia war von vornherein kein Namensbestandteil, obwohl es eine colonia war (z.B. Augusta Treverorum, heute Trier).